4 research outputs found

    Software Implementation of a PC-Based Home Surveillance System

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    This report is written upon the completion of the two semesters of Final Year Project course in Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme. This project is entitled as "Software Implementation of a PC-Based Home Surveillance System". The main objective of this project is to design and build software system, emphasizing on GUI for the PC-based home surveillance system. The developed software is called the "Home Guard System". The "Home Guard System" is designed to scan and display a number of input signals using sensory interface and represents them on the computer interface. The input and output modules are interfaced with the computer via a serial port. Microcontroller is also implemented to translate and manipulate the data received from the serial port into meaningful functions for prototype demonstration. The scope of study for this report mainly involves the software development process; the tools, services and packages available in Java that can be used for this project; and implementation of microcontrollers, specifically the PIC 16F84 to be used in the prototype development and construction. This project development is divided into three main modules, which are window module, hardware module and prototype module. In the window module, the GUI of this application is designed. The hardware module involves the communication establishment with the computer's serial port, while the prototype module consists of a circuit that implement PIC 16F84 as its processor. This project has been successfully completed. Several recommendations are proposed to improve the current system, and come up with a better presentable, secure and reliable system with additional functions

    Software Implementation of a PC-Based Home Surveillance System

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    This report is written upon the completion of the two semesters of Final Year Project course in Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme. This project is entitled as "Software Implementation of a PC-Based Home Surveillance System". The main objective of this project is to design and build software system, emphasizing on GUI for the PC-based home surveillance system. The developed software is called the "Home Guard System". The "Home Guard System" is designed to scan and display a number of input signals using sensory interface and represents them on the computer interface. The input and output modules are interfaced with the computer via a serial port. Microcontroller is also implemented to translate and manipulate the data received from the serial port into meaningful functions for prototype demonstration. The scope of study for this report mainly involves the software development process; the tools, services and packages available in Java that can be used for this project; and implementation of microcontrollers, specifically the PIC 16F84 to be used in the prototype development and construction. This project development is divided into three main modules, which are window module, hardware module and prototype module. In the window module, the GUI of this application is designed. The hardware module involves the communication establishment with the computer's serial port, while the prototype module consists of a circuit that implement PIC 16F84 as its processor. This project has been successfully completed. Several recommendations are proposed to improve the current system, and come up with a better presentable, secure and reliable system with additional functions


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    Abstrak: Perubahan fisik dan fisiologi pada remaja membuat remaja rentan mengalami Anemia. Anemia pada remaja berdampak negatif pada perkembangan kognitif, fisik dan emosional. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi remaja dengan Anemia dan melakukan pendidikan kesehatan tentang Anemia. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada Sekolah Menengah Atas yaitu di SMK Bintang Timur dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama yaitu SMPN 1 Wae Ri’i dan SMPN 3 Langke Rembong berjumlah 95 siswa pada November 2022. Metode kegiatan mencakup screening Anemia dan penyuluhan kesehatan. Hasil yang dicapai melalui screening beberapa remaja mengalami Anemia berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik yaitu konjungtiva anemik sebanyak 3 remaja (3,2%), wajah pucat sebanyak 5 remaja (5.3%), bibir, kulit, kuku dan telapak tangan pucat sebanyak 2 remaja (2.1%). Berdasarkan screening tanda dan gejala Anemia beberapa remaja mengalami letih, lesu dan lelah (28.4%), sakit kepala, pusing serta mata berkunang-kunang (32.6%), mengantuk, cepat lelah dan sulit konsentrasi (28.4%). Hasil evaluasi dengan metode post-test menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan remaja mengenai Anemia telah meningkat sebanyak 85%.Abstract: Physical and physiological changes in adolescents make adolescents susceptible to anemia. Anemia in adolescents has a negative impact on cognitive, physical and emotional development. This activity aims to identify adolescents with anemia and conduct health education about anemia. This activity was carried out at senior high schools, namely at Bintang Timur Vocational School and junior high schools, namely SMPN 1 Wae Ri'i and SMPN 3 Langke Rembong with a total of 95 students in November 2022. Activity methods include anemia screening and health education. The results achieved through screening several adolescents experiencing Anemia based on physical examination, namely anemic conjunctiva in 3 adolescents (3.2%), pale faces in 5 adolescents (5.3%), pale lips, skin, nails and palms in 2 adolescents (2.1%). Based on screening for signs and symptoms of anemia, some adolescents experienced fatigue, lethargy and fatigue (28.4%), headaches, dizziness and dizzy eyes (32.6%), drowsiness, fatigue and difficulty concentrating (28.4%). The results of the evaluation using the post-test method showed that adolescents' knowledge about anemia had increased by 85%.

    Peran red flags terhadap pengaruh skeptisisme profesional, pengalaman kerja dan beban kerja auditor terhadap kemampuan auditor mendeteksi fraud

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    This study aims to see the role of red flags as a moderating variable of professional skepticism, work experience, and workload on the auditor's ability to detect fraud on a survey conducted in several public accounting firms in Jakarta. This study uses primary data to analyze and evaluate the questionnaires distributed to 50 auditors as respondents. Data analysis using PLS-SEM proves that only work experience has a significant positive effect at the 5% level on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. Meanwhile, the red flag has a significant positive effect at the 5% level as a moderating variable to weaken the negative effect of workload on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. Implications and suggestions are explained in the articl